Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Change of Social Media in the Future

Moving towards our future we will have some interesting changes, specifically in social media. Currently technology advances by the week. Think about how far social media has come over the past five years and in the next five years where will we be? I believe that most of the current platforms i.e. Facebook, and twitter will be replaced by a new program that will unify all the different assets of all the social media that we currently have into one platform. The one thing that would be truly revolutionary would be getting this program everywhere in the world that would be an accomplishment. Something like this will totally change the way we look at social media.
            At the current time it’s really hard to say what new happen though. Currently it seems that the social media we have will morph and change as our needs change so, I don’t really see there being a huge change in that sense in the coming future. Social media will just continue to grow in numbers as more and more people get in contact with it. Nearly one in four people worldwide used social networks in 2013 (1). Eventually everyone will be linked through one service or another, which is extremely powerful.
Currently our mobile phones are part of our lives more then people have ever imaged in the past. This mobile technology or at least the idea of it is here to stay. Our population thrives off being connected through a phone. I believe that we will only make these devices more powerful. Faster, thinner and better is where we are going at the moment. We will not have another big leap in design for a mobile device in a long time. Large manufactures of these devices are making way too much money, as it is the way they are doing it. It would cost too much to make a big leap. Lets just take a look at the IPhone 4 to the IPhone 5, 5s and so on. The different features of the phones are microscopic from the advance between the flip phone to our mobile device that we currently have.
            Overall, our future as far as social media goes will be interesting. In the near feature we wont see much of a change honestly. We will have to wake a good amount of time for something amazing. The things that are popular will stay that way as they change to make consumers happy with one platform. The future will be exciting; will we see “the” platform emerge? So many questions but not enough answers currently. Time will only tell what truly happens to social media.


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Social Media and the News

News has always been an important part of our everyday life. We look to it to figure out what has happened around our world even to the reaches of places across the world. The older forms of news sometimes don’t give us all the information though. It’s edited and sometimes import information is left out. Social media has increased the quality of information, pushing news channels and other main sources to get more information and go deeper into stories.

It seems that modern social media has been pushing to replace edited news all together. Any aspect that the normal news provides Facebook can seemingly do it better, faster and sometimes more accurately then we had previously seen before. People do still watch the news though but it has sort of transformed into a different thing. We hear about the main news first on social media but it’s not a credible source, we don’t know if it’s fact or just a roomer going around. Once we hear it on the news channels its more of a reassurance. A great example is the tsunami in Japan a couple years back. People were posting it on social media sites way before it even hit some parts. People even had some time to prepare for this catastrophe.

Our culture is moving together to learn more using the internet and specifically social media. People want to learn as much as possible as a race we are hungry for knowledge. Every new idea, opinion or even we want to share with the world to see. It seems to show no sign of slowing down either. Social media has changed how we view the news. The quality of news has greatly increased. We can see so many angles of one story using comments we get a true idea of what really happened with no “filtering”.

It will be interesting to see how social media will evolve next. There are so many uses for it. The news seemed to be a happy accident. It has helped the quality of news become better in almost every aspect. Hopefully at one point in the near future our news will be on a even higher level then it is now. Continuing to grow will be a great asset to our culture and to our world.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Is Social Media the New Revolution?

It’s strange how powerful something is when there it really no physical evidence of it even existing. Social media is an amazingly powerful movement.  It can lead a company to new heights or it can do so much damage and destroy its dreams. Now this technology isn't as revolutionary as the industrial revolution, but over time it will have an even larger impact on society.
 Social media is a double-edged sword. It has the power to make someone rich and famous. On the other side it has the power to destroy someone’s life. Professionals though have been able to do a lot of good using social media, for example when disaster strikes a part of the world charities are able to promote the issue to acquire more funding.  These programs of promotion have greatly increased over the last four years. You can only imagine where it will be in say another four.
The public perceptions of these programs are extremely mixed. Personally I think that social media is incredibly beneficial as it It connects people and cultures around the world. We have learned so much as a race compared to even ten years ago. Facebook’s origins were once as a way to connect between college students but has evolved into an almost living organism that is a part of our every day lives. Now that is scary. The real question is what will the effects be of being connected like we are for an extended period of time?
Only time will tell as this technology develops.  Whether it is a blessing or a curse we cannot say. Will it be around in ten years time? There are a lot of questions with even fewer answers. Social media is here to stay for a long time. New forms of it will come and go, but the core idea will be here for a long time. It has and will continue to change the world for many years to come.